Thursday, May 28, 2009

As a Lonesome Wolf.....كذئبٍ وحيد

Fast resorts the world
to a shelter from the storm
and, as an ant beneath a boot,
or a dull bird,
I jump on the pavements,
my heart a tombstone
my soul pale sky.

I walk in the rain
to wash my self from you,
and on a larg add-sign
a beast in an open desert,
under a dark moon,
screams in my face:
"love is destined
to cry as a lonsome wolf
and wander seeking a graveyard
to whisper in its ear
how lovers live
in fellowship with death."

مسرعاً يلوذ العالم
بملجأ من العاصفة
وكنملةٍ تحت حذاء
أو كعصفورٍ واهن
أقفز على الأرضفة
قلبي شاهدة قبر
وروحي سماء شاحبة

أسير في المطر
لأغسل ذاتي منكِ
وعلى لوحة إعلانٍ ضخمة
وحش في صحراء عارية
تحت قمرٍ داكن
يصرخ في وجهي:
"قدر الحب أن يعوي
كذئبٍ وحيد
ويجوب باحثاً عن مقبرةٍ
يهمس في أذنها
كيف يعيش العاشقون
في صحبة الموت"

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Wait for you Every Day

I wait for you every day
and wither away slowly every time
I forgot your face
and they ask me if
my despair is equal to your absence
But, no, it is beyond absence
It is an expression of actual death
I do not know
how to gift to you

Alda Merini (Italian Poet)

أنتظرك كل يوم
و انطفئ ببطء في كل مرة
نسيت وجهك
و يسألونني إذا ما كان يأسي يساوي غيابك
ولكن لا، إنه شيء يفوق الغياب
إنه تعبير عن موت محقق
لا أدري كيف أهديك إياه.

Alda Merini شاعرة وفيلسوفة من ايطاليا

as Job I Pray

the morning light is breaking
over the face of the day.
the trees with tenderness are looking
to me as Job I pray.

In my broken heart,
I search for God
I pray and pray.
In my broken heart
I search for your eyes
that left and went away.

one more chance,
give me a second chance,
in my days, would you please stay?

I love you,
please frogive me
I love you,
please, don't break away.

once, in your arms
I was born to life.
once in your soul
I saw the open sky.
once in your 'I love you'
the man in me believed
the man in me saw light.

bring me back to your morning
hug my heart like a dawn
I love you as I love Him
the God who once made us 'one'

Monday, May 18, 2009

Love Truly....You Will Die Everyday!

Sell your soul to your needs
and become a slave of your desires
you may then manage to swim
in the illusion humans call 'life' someway
Love truly,
in faith crucified upon hope
And you will live in what God calls 'life'
because you will die and born anew everyday.

Dying every day
is life in the depth of the soul
miserable is the human who does not
respect the soul after all!

love truly and die everyday
love truly once in your journey
for you will die anyway!

“Love is Patient, Love is Kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails”

(1. Corinthians 13: 4-8)